I’m joining in a tad late on a Project 52, where we post and share a photo a week based on a particular theme. The Project 52 is just for me; no client photos. The idea is to be more disciplined about taking and sharing family photos regularly (and maybe being in a few of them too). The weekly theme is to keep the creative juices flowing. I love the idea of having a photo of my family from every single week of the year, all in one spot, at the end of the year. I also just attended a great seminar on photo book making, so this project would make a great book theme at the end of the year. Many of my Project 52 photos will likely feature my daughter a.k.a. Pumpkin. Because I’m playing catch-up, this post features 3 photos, but my goal is to stay current and feature a single photo along with the theme. This week’s theme (week 4) is “imperfection”. Oh, that’s EASY.
Here we go!
Week 1: Pumpkin playing in the living room. Beautiful light streaming in from the windows. I really love some of her expressions!

Week 2: My nephew CJ getting a bath post cake smash

Week 3: Snow week! What better way to beat the melted snow than to hit the pool.